New Year. New Venue. New members

Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2017 already?!
PurplePig Music is now in it's 16th year and Sing! Ladies Choir will be 6 in September.
Sing! has welcomed many lovely new members and we've also moved from the Village Hall to the Church Hall. It may be a bit chilly, but it's certainly quieter and the acoustics are lovely!
We are currently working towards our second Purple Day Afternoon Tea, this year in aid of Epilepsy Action. Purple Day is an international Epilepsy awareness day. As I have epilepsy, it's a cause that I'm always keen to support and what better colour than purple!!!!
Purple Day is on March 26th, but as that's Mothering Sunday we'll be holding our afternoon tea on Saturday March 18th. Visit our What's On page for more information.
We will also be performing at Stoughton Fete on June 17th, holding a summer concert in aid of the Fleckney Library, and organising a Christmas concert again.
PurplePig Music also has some new members. It's always nice to have new adults to teach.
Exam time is nearly upon us and with the sad closure of Sheehan's music shop, we're waiting for news on where the new exam venue will be!
As always, both Sing! and PurplePig music welcome new members. Please use the Contact page to make any enquiries.
Here's to a musical and successful 2017 for everyone :)